15 November, 2006

La Reunión Magnífica

Hey all, sorry I've kind of been away from the blog... lazy, unmotivated, south - some words that come to mind that describe my state at the moment. There is a German proverb I once read which said something like:
"Commitments are like the full moon, if they aren't made immediately they diminish day by day"
and with that I pledge my commitment to La Reunión Magnífica. As far as time is concerned I think we should get there Thursday, July 5th and meet at Galatasaray Lisesi around 10:30pm, go to Montreal for some drinks, then Joker while its early and the rest should be history. ;-) All jokes aside, yeah early July seems good for me. And depending on $$$ I may continue my travels into Beirut, Cairo & Dubai (if anyone's interested let me know). Also I definitely want to stay in Istanbul for 10 days at least, the longer the better cause its more time with you guys!

On another front, my graduation is June 17th and you are all invited to attend. But yeah if realistically anyone happens to be in northern California in mid-June make plans to attend this party! What I plan to do following graduation is unclear, I got a couple of interviews last week, haven't heard back yet, may apply to some more jobs, but I think I'll try to do something somewhere in the world and apply to graduate school... how cool i am!

See you all in exactly 232 days on Istiklal!!!

03 November, 2006

Sefere to our Reunion

Fellow Istanbulies, it's been a while. Totally forgot about the end of Bayram......thanks Natercia for the reminder. I've been eating tonnes of sweets though so no worries. I'm glad to see the old blog still up and running.

I've been thiking about you all lately, wondering what everyone was upto and wondering if this reunion thing is still a go. We're making it happen!
I've been a bit inactive with all of you for a while. After spending the entire work day on the comp, the last thing I do is turn it on at home.

I've been in my fundraising job for five months now. My boss is a fundraising consultant and so I'm the third addition to our 3 person small business. It's awesome in that you get your hands on everything, so many learning opportunities without the bullshit of the hierarchy. The story of how I got the job is pretty karmic, a lot of seemingly insignificant events leading upto, my dream job, basically. I hope everyone is looking for the signs to find their way in life.

My way is leading to Mexico pretty soon. Oh, did I mention that my boss believes in two months vacation per year (unpaid)!!!! So Christmas time I'm taking my first month and returning to Mex where I studied during Uni for 6 months. That leaves about another 6 months to save for Turkey, ya man.

I'm also in love.... with three new people: Borat-yes I like very much; Ryan Gosling-amazing Canadian actor and soo sooo hot (see Half Nelson); and Michael Ignatieff- the super smart, super hot, intellectual, historian and politician (and hopefully the next leader of Canada)- he must be an Aquarius:) Just thought I'd share that. Rolf Potts still remains my secret lover. I love him too.

Love you all
Sefere Akadarslaryim