26 September, 2005

How cool you are :)

Probably u thought im lost somewhere cause i didnt write such a long time...Well, actually, I even didnt know about this blog until Aakash told me about it a week ago (i guess he was just checking if im cool enough to not forget Istanbul to give it to me ;) Well, u can imagine how happy i was then to read the posts, get to know how all of u r, see some pics, check some blogs out... Actually, if i have to be honest, it made me so sad, cause i really still miss Istanbul SO MUCH! maybe its strange cause i was there just 2 months and , come on, i didnt spend that much time in the dorms ;) but still...I actually really think it was one of the best times in my life...And im so happy that i didnt come in summer...cause all the people were telling me " oh, u cant imagine how beautiful it is etc..."...which is true i guess....but i totally have the feeling that this place is a LOTTTT cooler with not all too many trainees, the atmosphere of a family we used to have was like really the best ever, it was so amazing..and also i wasnt just the Ceeder Nr... but i actually had the chance to be the only ceeder at a time and thus get to know the real atmosphere...Come on, i was unique (as u know from me always saying how cool i am u know im anything but modest...hahhhahah)...
The reunion u had guys must have been amazing, oh MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!11
its hard imaging the dorms without all but greg...I guess it would have been weird if i would have come in october for a visit (which i was trying to...)...I would really so much like to come in december, also to visit some friends i get to know here (cause now im totally an Istanbul fan, Viva Istanbul forever...)
And last but not least....I would like to greet all of u...
Mam Natercia, rocking her internship and being hard- working, oh, girl, how can u manage?!??
Our sweet Costa Rica girl, u are a real globe trotter, im envious....
Nikki, i loveeee uuu, i hope u will be in Istanbul in December, write me!
Serious Iva ;) I hope Ankara didnt kill ur enthusiasm but u r really cool, u can manage so much!
Greg, i have to say i was so happy u found a job in Poland, i was worried if u can manage at all to leave Istanbul, cause it was so deep into u, but as i can see, u r happy :)
Aakash, come on, come to visit me man and continue being our news men from The Dorms ;)
Ash, Christiano, send me pics from Portugal, im so proud of u that u managed to make the reunion
Basilio, ur posts r so funny....
Maarten, how is good old Maastricht doin??!?!?
Well, guys, i just wanted to say i didnt at all forget u. And i do hope that u have put my poster in the whatever room, cause otherwise ill get so angry ;)
Ciao cucciole, te voglio benne, stay cool and never forget the Spirit of 603
Cok öptüm
TSVETI (bulgarian, italian, german, turkish: or simply: cool ;))

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