I think those nights are very funny...
Girls decide to go out all together and don't accept that any male friend goes out with them...or at least that is what they say! Well, then you have several types of "girls' nights"...
1st type(and the most acceptable): it happens when there are many girls in a place or when they are not often together... they don't have time to really know each other so they decide to go out and have a nice conversation around a beer or some beers in order to know each others better.... They just want to have time together... Now the reader might be thinking: <> NO! Absolutly not! Cause when boys are around we can't really speak the same way we would speak with 20 guys around and there would be many groups...so it would be impossible to really meet each other...
2nd type: there are not that many nor as devided as in the first type... They actually know each others well... They don't NEED time for each other but they just want to do something "different" and if it can call the attention of male friends...well it is even better. Actually some girls even do this on purpose to call the attention of some guys... and deep in their heart they hope the guys will try to find in which bar they are... and so on and so on.... The funniest thing is that guys don't usually do that! They don't care at all... thay have a beer all together or just stay at home watching a nice movie!
In his type you can often find one or two "breakers"..those girls are usually a little bit less stupid and don't go to those parties cause they know they wouln't have fun and would have to speaking about nothing but GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
3rd type: this one is really...HOT, let's say! And it is really better for the guys not to go...they would dicover their female friends as they would never imagine! No! it doesn't include any homosexual things!!!! Girls go out together and they dress really sexy... they go to a nice bar first and then they go to a disco...full of people and with crazy music so that they can show their hability do dance! The objectives of those paries are not at all to know the other girls... NOT AT ALL...cause they already know each others pretty well...they just go out to meet new guys... and you might imagine the end of the night!
Obviously...there is ONE similarity in all those type: girls ALWAYS apeak about gu
ys...in some types more in others less...but guys are always in the summary of the meeting!!!

That is not new: everybody knows it!!!! And those who don't admit it are just too young or little liers!!!!! hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!
Finally, as Aakash said we had one it was nice...Here is a photo...
Take care!
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