15 July, 2007


hey everyone,

i'm guessing people are settled/still settling back to regular life in your respective locations (except that nomad basilio). just wanted to get something in while the thoughts are still fresh. i don't know whose idea the reunion was, but it was a good one and thanks again iva and nikki for taking care of so much before, while and probably after the reunion. as for me, i just got back to SF on friday night, buying furniture today and starting work tomorrow (monday) and life will be as north as north can go for at least 10~12 hours a day. working that many hours by itself is quite north, some would say working altogether is north but thats a whole other topic.

i hope everyone had as good a time as i did (or better). that first night i got in was just euphoric and that was really crazy and perfect. i couldn't have asked for a better group of friends and it was fun to see how things never change (freddie and his "influence" on us, the exact shade of pink maarten's face gets after the 5th drink, the Cristiano experience, the debate on whether to plan or not... hahaha) and how everyone has been getting along two years down the line. didn't really get to see everyone off like i wanted to (bas, carmen, iva, the hindi, golden kokoreƧ on balik pasaji...) but i mean there are no good byes so hoping to see everyone really soon (in other words, come visit me!). forza 603!

P.S. i am still waiting for my credit card!!! i hate my bank.

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