02 June, 2005

Some more...

Here you have more sentences...

"Think about it!!!" (Maarten sentence when nobody understands his jokes!!!!)

"Fucuuuuuck you!!!" (Greg showing his finger!)

"What's up Baaaaanngli?!" (answer for "what's up Hiiiiinnndii?!")

"It's amazing....I couldn't believe it!!!" (Geza)

"Cordon Bleu!" (A disgusting conversation between the boys... isn't it Maarten?!!!)

"Don't... Don't touch me!!!" (Cristiano)

"Allah, Allah!!!" (Maarten's favorite sentence!!!)

"Tasty!!!" or "Salty" (Cristiano... no comments)

"How can you maaaaanage?" (tsveti and her italian accent)

" You will die ALONE!" (Cristiano)

"It' s so BIIIIG!!!" (me but it was only about a venexuelian lolipop!!! :) )

"How coooooool you arrrrrre!" (still with the bulgarian girl's italian accent!!???)

"We are irish... we are thousands!!!"

"I am just tired!" (Traditional sentence used by Basilio and "remixed" by Cris to justify some animal behaviors!!!)

"So...and what about the ...? (the question is from Maarten)
Yes, what about it?" (Basilio's answer used and reused several times.....)

AND now my favorite:
"BE A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (From our favorite indian comedian!)

Soon we will have more, for sure!

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