06 June, 2006

The real working life, not just chilling in some tropical place!

It took me a while to get started on this blog, but when I read about Martin supposedly working in between scuba diving, sunbathing and playing Golf, I had to give this blog a bit more sense of reality, as for most people, working life unfortunately does not sound like a vacation....
Although my debut to as a poster to this blog has been quite late, but I have been following it up, and its so great to hear what impact Turkey had on all of you! This blog such a great thing to stay connected so lets keep it up!

Since many of you don?t know what I have been up to since last summer when I left Turkey, a little update on my life since then. Getting back was hard at first, but you have experienced that yourself probably. Missing the life I had in Turkey I was contemplating of doing another traineeship in some exotic place, but out of money I decided to finally get real and get a proper job! Even though at times I was dreaming of doing something more meaningful, with my education and work experience I eventually ended up in banking after all. So since 3 months I am now in London, working my ass off for an investment bank (I crazily chose the worst team in terms of working hours ? M&A, 80h+, but its definitely the most exciting). But before I threw myself into this hell I was travelling for almost a month in India, rambling all over Rajastan, travelling the Golden Triangle and chilling out in Goa.
This summer I?ll be for 6 weeks in NY for training, last chance to living a fun life once more! Anybody around at that time? For the rest my life continues to be a lasting analogy to Istanbul. Crossing the Thames river on my way to work reminds me each time of the beautiful Bosphorus and Istanbul?s magic?
I am looking already much forward to the planned reunion, will be so great to be back! Actually I was in Istanbul in December and almost missed my flight back as a result of too much Tequila at Joker...

Hugs to all of you!


04 June, 2006

My plan

Nothing much has change in my life since the last time I wrote. I have no more movie business related stories, or interesting trips to tell you about, but I have something else: I have a plan.
I realized a few weeks ago that planning is not so bad after all, at least when it's necessary. This enlightment came at the right time for me to start planning my next project, a project I called: 'Backpacking Europe 2007!'.

That's right, I finnally decided what I'm going to do next. Everything seems to indicate that this is the right choice for me right now for many reasons. I know very well that, as time goes by, I have fewer chances of making the backpacking trip I've been dreaming of since highschool. And why Europe and not some other exotic remote place?, you may ask. Well, because I realized I have quite a few good friends I would love to visit over there, and it would also get me close enough to Isanbul to be able to make it to next year reunion in Istanbul. So count me on that one too.

I'm going to start my journey between march and may 2007, when plain tickets are cheaper and weather is getting better. The idea is to visit anybody who would like to see me around for a couple of days... or weeks. I need to coordinate with each one of you in order to make my plan in the next few months. For how long and where I will travel will depend a great deal on what I talk with you, so it's more like a collective plan in which all your ideas are welcome.

I will be writing more about this here soon.

Looking forward to start planning with all of you.