24 December, 2005

Going public...

I have been blogging for some time, not too actively but from time to time I would write sth new. However, since my computer sux with its Windows 98 and no memory what-so-ever I was waiting to get another computer to put up pix and other goodies before making my blog public. But while procrastinating I managed to make it a bit better lookin and figured I cld share now.. but since its quite difficult to share if noone knows about it, I figured I should also let some ppl know, so I am.. its on ivuskawalterova.blogspot.com

For the ppl, who sent me emails and to whom I havent managed to reply, I am sorry I have just been so busy with school but will try to be a better friend soon...

18 December, 2005

I don't know how to explain...

I just know, this guy is from south!!!

10 December, 2005

The Saga continues

Okay, I have been quiet for a while, but have been grappling with some decisions. Some of you might know that I was offered an extended contract with a proper salary in my company. The work has got interesting and I have grown in my role. A bit of travel thrown here and there always helps. All in all, I have enjoyed my stint and have decided to extend till June 2006. I am sorry El-Padrino, I will break your record. Planning to rent an apartment downtown and move in to live a more settled life. Now all of you know that you have a house in Istanbul anytime you want to visit!

Will look forward.

29 November, 2005

Egypt Calling...!

First time in Egypt, there from the 30th Nov-8th December. Alexandria for two days and then Cairo for 6, the pyramids, the mummies, the nile, the sheesha...and more, cant wait!

Going to speak at a conference on Youth Education and the role of business representing Microsoft at a major conference for the first time, excited & a few butterflies, hopefully all should be smooth!

Finished a year in Turkey yesterday which ofcourse requires a separate post, but as a side note, I was cooked a surprise dinner by a bunch of sweet portuguese girls - Orgasmus ! Natercia reminded me of you here!

26 November, 2005

Graduation Ceremony

Yesterday took place my graduation ceremony and today I'm officially a computer engineer.

I wanted to pay a little tribute in this day to all of you, istanbul trainees and orgasmus, recreating the famous Cristiano´s photo pose, with my brother, just after the ceremony and in full costume. So here it is.

23 November, 2005

You know you're an Istanbul trainee when...

I recently posted on my blog "You know you're in Costa Rica when..) and thought it would be cool to do the same for this blog so here it is my 5 cents to start the list....

You know you're an Istanbul trainee when....

You are so broke that you do the following to save a lira:

1. cook for 2 hours every night
2. walk considerable distances and fucking hills instead of hopping in a taxi or bus
3. consider playing guitar on Istiklal to collect donations
4. consume as much Efes and Freddy as possible before heading out on the town and only agreeing to go to clubs that don't charge cover
5. pretend to be an Istanbul trainee so that you can sleep in the dorms

22 November, 2005

15 November, 2005

Girls nites comment

I cant make comments specifically to a certain blog, but I had to share my comment, so doing it this way:
Bobby if u r so annoyed with all the girl's nites talk,emails etc. why r u polluting the blog with it too?? Look what it turned into! (Although it was really nice to see a pic from one of the good ones, netercia!)

11 November, 2005

About Girls' Night...

I think those nights are very funny...
Girls decide to go out all together and don't accept that any male friend goes out with them...or at least that is what they say! Well, then you have several types of "girls' nights"...
1st type(and the most acceptable): it happens when there are many girls in a place or when they are not often together... they don't have time to really know each other so they decide to go out and have a nice conversation around a beer or some beers in order to know each others better.... They just want to have time together... Now the reader might be thinking: <> NO! Absolutly not! Cause when boys are around we can't really speak the same way we would speak with 20 guys around and there would be many groups...so it would be impossible to really meet each other...
2nd type: there are not that many nor as devided as in the first type... They actually know each others well... They don't NEED time for each other but they just want to do something "different" and if it can call the attention of male friends...well it is even better. Actually some girls even do this on purpose to call the attention of some guys... and deep in their heart they hope the guys will try to find in which bar they are... and so on and so on.... The funniest thing is that guys don't usually do that! They don't care at all... thay have a beer all together or just stay at home watching a nice movie!
In his type you can often find one or two "breakers"..those girls are usually a little bit less stupid and don't go to those parties cause they know they wouln't have fun and would have to speaking about nothing but GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
3rd type: this one is really...HOT, let's say! And it is really better for the guys not to go...they would dicover their female friends as they would never imagine! No! it doesn't include any homosexual things!!!! Girls go out together and they dress really sexy... they go to a nice bar first and then they go to a disco...full of people and with crazy music so that they can show their hability do dance! The objectives of those paries are not at all to know the other girls... NOT AT ALL...cause they already know each others pretty well...they just go out to meet new guys... and you might imagine the end of the night!
Obviously...there is ONE similarity in all those type: girls ALWAYS apeak about guys...in some types more in others less...but guys are always in the summary of the meeting!!!
That is not new: everybody knows it!!!! And those who don't admit it are just too young or little liers!!!!! hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!
Finally, as Aakash said we had one it was nice...Here is a photo...
Take care!

10 November, 2005

Girls Nights!

There is this very 'gay' discussion going around about these girls nights, the same ones they used to have when you guys were around...I just replied to it...posted below find my reply to the email discussion about 'Girls nights'

Hi all chicks!
Sorry but I couldnt resist commenting the following after reading your reactions and discussions

How can you have good cocktails...without the cocks around !!

Think about that for a moment...enjoy none the less, these moments are rare!

And I will have a good friday night dont worry...tell you why...cause I have fred with me, and when I have fred, I dont need anyone else !! (Ask your girls at the party what it means)

Cheers N Britney Spears...your cocky Indian Turk!

You can look at istanbul trainees for more details

01 November, 2005


Chagall is the name of a 20th century russian painter and also the title of the short film that is keeping me very busy lately. Wednesday we will finish shooting and then start post-production.

The film is basically about Martin, a fashion photographer that is going blind and falls in love with Lucia, a girl who is also interested in photography and is a very good cook. There is an intense relationship between them with a lot of photography, food, sex, and some betrayal and reconciliation involved.

Yesterday we worked for more than 12 hours and I took some pictures at the beginning of the day in one of the sets. Here are some pictures of the opening scene where Martin, the protagonist, is working in a photo session.

The director of photography doing some tests with the actors.

It almost looks like I'm posing to show my turkish t-shirt but it's all a coincidence. I talked about my time in Turkey a lot that day too, but that's not a coincidence since I do that almost everyday.

The set in the middle of the shooting.

28 October, 2005



Well... the "annoying" portuguese (according to Aakash!) is back! YES! I finally found my password and plus I discovered how to upload images! Ahhhh! How "COOL" I am!

As you might have understood, the lack of password has been one of he reasons why I have been away from this blog... (Bobbies! Don't laught at me!)

In fact, I have been working hard the last months... and something tells me that it is just the beginning! I did an internship this summer and my boss asked me to stay and work with them for a while...
I accepted this opportubity cause I love the job I am doing and people are nice! So the question you might be asking is: "Which job are you doing?". Well "my" company is working with renewable energy and I am doing mostly the institutional communication but I take care of almost everything related to external communication. Here is a photo of my office!

Obviously I am still studying! I am waiting for my equivalencies from my Erasmus Programm at Biligi University... And if everything is ok I will finish my Bachelor in December/January and my License in July!!! Hope it will be my last year cause I am a little bit fed up with school!
But this year seems to be more interesting than all the others eventhought it is harder!

After my graduation... I don't want to think about any plan because I prefer listenning to my South Spirit... Anyway I know that planning is not the best once that after all it never comes out the way I want!

I think that's it for the update of my life! Now... What about the other Bobbies? Iva? Tsveti? Saad? El Padriño? Monica? Sara? I hope each one will make an update of their life sometime!

Hugs everyone!
Take care

27 October, 2005

Do you remember?

Heyyyy Guys!!!!

Do you remember the nights we spent all together watching movies?
And what about this move? I guess everybody remembers it: a French Erasmus student at Barcelona... We spoke a lot about it...because at the end...we felt the same!
Well... I know that it must be because Portugal is very "South" but FINALLY the second part of the movie can be seen in Portuguese cinemas!!!! The name: "The Russian dolls" (literal English title) or if you prefer: "Les Poupées Russes".

Has anybody watched it already?
Well I will for sure... By the way... does anybody want to come?
Well I will tell you how it was!



22 October, 2005

The End of an Era

Finally, after exactly one year and one month since I arrived Turkey to start my traineeship, and 8 years of career in University, I completed all my academic responsibilities yesterday when I did a presentation on my traineeship/thesis/report/paper/thing.

The reasons why I took so long to finish my degree and traineeship/thesis are not relevant for this post, but I can tell you that a mayor part of it is because of the travels I have made in this period, which, as you can imagine, I don't regret at all.

I have taken a huge burden out of my shoulders, that I have carried mostly for the last 4 months since I came back, and now I can resume my 'normal' life again. Now you will see me going online at msn messenger more often, or at all, I will write and reply emails, I will write more often in this blog (and change the layout as I proposed), etc.

I have many plans for my future now that I have ended my thesis and career. I actually spent most of the time in the last 4 months thinking about my future plans. For the moment, I want to do everything that I enjoyed or wanted to do before starting my college life and stopped or decreased doing because of the lack of time. I made a list. I want to read and write more often again, to learn french or even portuguese, to learn photography, to take piano lessons, to do swimming and yoga regularly, to travel more and to work in film production, among other things.

Don't get me wrong, I also have many plans for my career, since I also like very much what I studied, but it's not the only thing I want to do with my life, at least not for the moment.

To begin with my new plans, I already started working in a short film production. Two months ago I met a film student at a party, and he told me that he was going to make a short film soon. I told him that I was very interested in helping in anything he needed. Two weeks ago I got a call from him to tell me that he was going to start shooting this week. After a few meetings, now I will be doing the sound recording and helping with the editing and soundtrack of the film. We started filming on wednesday but, because of my presentation, I had to stop for a couple of days. I'm very exciting about this project for many reasons, mainly because it was something I was always curious about, and it came just when I needed it.

We will be shooting for the next week and half and then start the editing. I will post some pictures of the film production soon.

Well, that's it for now. My graduation act will be in one month by the way.


16 October, 2005

New 603 and More

Okay guys, I must admit I have been lazy in following up on my commitments, more on my updates later, here you go with the pictures , I am lazy to write and upload everything, but I have done my best here.

One more piece of information I wanted to share with all of you is that 603 is now being colonised by Asians :

  1. Japanese
  2. Korean
  3. Thailand
  4. Indian
  5. Indonesian to come

Hail the South, more south spirit and the fire is spreading...Muhahaha!!

Had an Indian presentation the other day at the AIESEC office, spoke about everything from yoga to Gods to women to movies to music blah blah! Was Fun!

11 October, 2005

Finally, a post from the nominee for the next "El Padrino"

To all the Bobbies, Bobs, and Bobsters of the world,

It has been a quite a while since I have last checked the infamous blog. I can not believe how much it has grown and how hot the fire remains. It is so great that the bond that was created within this group is still so strong that it has yet to bend or break even now that most have gone to their respective home countries and are scattered across the entire world. It was so heartwarming to read so many people's posts reminiscing about their personal 603 experience and life there after. I thought it was finally time for me to break the loop and share my story.

As some of you may know I loved Istanbul and 603 and of course the BF oh so much I decided to extend my stay six months longer than originally intended. Or maybe it is because I miss college life so much that I am attempting to extend it by living the ''in-between,'' life of a college student in the dorms with a job-like thing that requires no commitment. Who knows, the point is that I am back doing what we all so much enjoyed doing, living in the moment, creating bonds with people from around the world, and hanging out withAakash :-) I never thought for a moment that I would ever end up staying so long that I would be running against the only trainee left that has any recollection of Denis Lokantasi and the Fucking Hill in the gypsy neighborhood of Kasimpasha for the position of El Padrino, but here I am. I'm just too cool for this world :-)

A sum of my life since the shift from the original 603:

Bodrum at its best.


CEEDing it up with the AIESECers


The Captain acting as Moses leading us through the sand and dividing the ocean in search of Bangli's lost belt at our partial reunion in Portugal.


Home to the land of 10,000 lakes to hang with the fam and knock some sense into myself.


Back to Istanbul to follow my heart, with a sweet traineeship at Saatchi to boot.


Keeping the 603 Spirit alive.

Missing all of you so much! I honestly can not say how great it was to get to know each of you. 603 is just not the same without you. Let's make sure to meet again in the near future.

"Till the End,"

04 October, 2005

Delayed Reunion Photos

First off for those who read Tsveti's wonderful posting, I'd like to correct her on her comment about being the "only CEEDer", I too was a "CEEDer" at AIESEC Istanbul between the months of January and March 2005. ; ) haha...

Just wanted to post a few nice photos of the reunion following the beach party at Aveiro. So here they are, I think I'll put more up on some sort of album or my webspace or something. On that note Aakash please let me know the username and password stuff for posting on the 603 album on Flickr.

By the river in Porto.

Two Southerners from Portugal. The Dutch Guy and I in Amsterdam

Holding Freddie (not included in the photo: giggling like the mad sitting next to a concerned Dutch Guy at the park)

At the train station at Porto before I left for Lisbon (we left the mark of 603 just before boarding!)

Hoping for many more reunions in the near future (the Captain has some interesting ideas on a large-scale reunion), as for the revolution:

I already took the plane.

03 October, 2005

Istanbul 603 till Now...!



Average Per Day

Average Per Visit

This Week

The Fire is Spreading !!
The Sun, The War's God
Winds of Change
!The War Already Began!
Most of you didn?t see this natural event, Solar Eclipse. I think was only viewable in the north of the peninsula, in the south of the Arabic peninsula and in the east of Africa.
This is my personal photo of it.


02 October, 2005

As the revolution has come, some proposals for this blog

1. Change the description (the one at the top that says: "65 million people live in turkey...") for something that makes more sense now. It can be something like: "keep the spirit alive", "keep the spirit alive wherever you are", "603 is a state of mind". It could also be like a random quoter that shows any of the frequently used quotes we have compiled, a different one each time you visit the blog (although I have to see if that is technically possible).

2. Change a little the layout and include the 603 plate picture we thought about when we created this blog. I hope you still have those pictures Cris!.

3. I thought I had more proposals but I think that's it for now.

What do you think?

30 September, 2005

Route 603

Not giving up on the account that Caracas has very few bus routes identified by numbers, and after looking around for sometime, I, much to my surprise, finally found the 603 bus stop to follow the captain's call.

After waiting for a little too long, and thinking that I usually don't have that kind of luck, I realized that I was not in a bus stop, but just standing next to a road route sign. 'Well, at least I'm on the right track', I thought, dismissing the fact that I just made a fool of myself.

I started hitchhiking then. Oddly lucky I, got soon a lift from what appeared to be a car with a good sign, or at least a good license plate, the BKM 603 license plate, from Norh Dakota. I dind't ask about what a North Dakota car was doing in Caracas, as it seemed perfectly normal in this series of events.

Talking with the driver that picked me up, and telling my story, he, at some point, very wisely pointed out to me that I can't go to Turkey by car, or even by bus. 'There is huge ocean that takes us apart', he said. Well, that was a little discouraging, but I wouldn't let that detail get in my way of joining my fellow 603ers' war. I told the driver to leave me in the nearest international seaport, and so he did.

Looking for the 603 ship to cross the ocean proved to be a little more difficult. People didn't want to help me as they thought I was insane. After looking for a big 603 in any of the ships for a couple of hours, I gived up. It seems that there are even less numbered ships than buses in this country.

While I was going back, defeated as that time I was kicked out of Bulgaria, I notice a little boat that didn't have anything exceptional to notice about, except of the fact that it was named 'BAS'. 'This is it, this is actually my lucky day!', I thought. Any boat that is named after me has to take me wherever I want, right? Even if that boat would hardly go from Tophane to Eminonu, much less cross an ocean. Well, as this is my story, yes, I was right.

And so, this is the tale of how I joined the IF2F603 in it's quest to help the 603 and now I'm on my way.

I already took the boat.

Fight the power and keep the spirit!

29 September, 2005

International Front To Free 603

The IF2F603 deliberated in general assembly:

1- All International Members in exile have to come back to the base in Istanbul (yeah even you Greg)
2- All the activities in order to free our nation is allowed the use of force and sometimes violence.
3- The first mission of the IF2F603 will be: arrest the ?manager?.
4- Bring the cleaning team to our movement bribing them with çkerdek
5- Then demand an elevator until the 6th floor.
6- Then be sure that the ?manager? doesn?t eat.
7- Then only accept 603 back, not other room(s) or other dorm(s).
8- Is better the street then other(s) room(s) or dormitory(s).
9- If any of this ways of war doesn?t work the solution will be sadly: fire the dormitory then detonate it. (Aakash be sure that you steal the 603 plate before)

Your ?Captain? in the exile:


I already took the bus

How would the 603 have reacted

Building on the post of how people from different cultures reacted, I was thinking how the 603 would have reacted, here are some thoughts and feel free to add...

The Captain would have said ' Lets burn the hostel'
Bas would have said 'Man, but why do we have to move' and then slept off or would have made a plan to go for beer or concert
Greg would have counted how this is the million th time he has had to move, bitch about the dorm administration, the @ers ofcourse and then would start packing his bags :)
Iva would be puffing up and down the place with anger on her nose making it visible to one and all that how it sucks!
Ash would have given a hour long analysis on the entire scenario, used some historical or political events to describe our situation and projected future scenarios etc, etc etc !!

Just a few who came to mind, use your imagination and suggest what others would have done...Natercia, Dutch Guy, Nikki, Moncia, Hinnnnnndddiiiii, Sindyyyyyyyyyyyyy and others!

The Unanimous winner gets to be the '603 person of the month'

Comment Alerts!

Yo Guys,

If you want to follow the comments on the blog posts closely, please leave your email ID's as a comment below this post and ill add you to comment notification so that you can stay upto date with what is happening.


28 September, 2005

In Desperation!

In order to communicate our view on the Dorm situation, the trainees are sending a letter to the management, check out the contents below and feel happy that you have a place to stay in that you know will be yours :P
To Whom It May Concern,

We are writing in regards to the accommodation situation at the Bilgi University dorms. As you know, there is currently a shortage of available rooms and as a result the AIESEC trainees were recently moved into a new building across from the main dorm. At this time, it appears to be uncertain whether or not the trainees will be permitted to stay in the Bilgi facilities at all.

We sincerely hope that you will allow us to remain in our current living situation. To begin with, Tophane?s central location is ideal. Many of us face a lengthy commute to work every day and would have to commute even further, perhaps even several hours each way, should we be forced to move to a less centrally-located accommodation. More importantly, it is essential that we remain in close proximity to the AIESEC office, which is located in Beyoglu. We are in Istanbul without any major support systems and so we rely very much on AIESEC to support us.

In the unfortunate event of us being forced to move to Baltanimani, which is an all-girls dorm, there is a likelihood that the male and female trainees would no longer be together. A big part of the AIESEC experience is based on living with and learning from each other. We are also support systems for each other as we are going through similar experiences. We are content with our current situation ? men and women sharing one room ? and would very much prefer to stay together as we are than be forced to live in different locations.

The trainees have been living in Bilgi for several months now and have forged meaningful and long lasting relationships with the students and management of the dorm. We strongly believe that the principles AIESEC stands for ? tolerance, open-mindedness and cultural understanding ? go hand in hand with the principles of Bilgi University.

We know that you are in a difficult situation and that you are trying your best to satisfy everyone?s needs. We appreciate the fact that you have always been a friend to AIESEC and that you have been working so hard to help us find a solution in this situation. We hope that you will allow us to remain in our current accommodation and further demonstrate Bilgi university?s commitment towards fostering Internationalism and continue your positive relationship with AIESEC.

Thank you for your time and for your continued help!

AIESEC Istanbul Trainees

Juliana Zanetti Bessa
Aditya Singh

Judit Dunai
Nizar Kanakane
Nicolae Sasaran
Virginia Zhelyazkova
Osman Soğancı
Sana Msahel

Aakash Sethi
Sina Schuck
Helen İyidilli
Eugene Doris
Muhammed Amine
Akiyo Seino
Alexandra Smith

27 September, 2005

Judgement Day!

People in all parts of the world, tomorrow,Wednesday, 28th September is:

The dorm administration meets to discuss among other things the future of AIESEC trainees, if trainees stay or trainees go to the girls dorm in Bebek (so you see I am not complaining) none the less, keep your fingers crossed and pray !

Hanging on.... !

26 September, 2005

How cool you are :)

Probably u thought im lost somewhere cause i didnt write such a long time...Well, actually, I even didnt know about this blog until Aakash told me about it a week ago (i guess he was just checking if im cool enough to not forget Istanbul to give it to me ;) Well, u can imagine how happy i was then to read the posts, get to know how all of u r, see some pics, check some blogs out... Actually, if i have to be honest, it made me so sad, cause i really still miss Istanbul SO MUCH! maybe its strange cause i was there just 2 months and , come on, i didnt spend that much time in the dorms ;) but still...I actually really think it was one of the best times in my life...And im so happy that i didnt come in summer...cause all the people were telling me " oh, u cant imagine how beautiful it is etc..."...which is true i guess....but i totally have the feeling that this place is a LOTTTT cooler with not all too many trainees, the atmosphere of a family we used to have was like really the best ever, it was so amazing..and also i wasnt just the Ceeder Nr... but i actually had the chance to be the only ceeder at a time and thus get to know the real atmosphere...Come on, i was unique (as u know from me always saying how cool i am u know im anything but modest...hahhhahah)...
The reunion u had guys must have been amazing, oh MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!11
its hard imaging the dorms without all but greg...I guess it would have been weird if i would have come in october for a visit (which i was trying to...)...I would really so much like to come in december, also to visit some friends i get to know here (cause now im totally an Istanbul fan, Viva Istanbul forever...)
And last but not least....I would like to greet all of u...
Mam Natercia, rocking her internship and being hard- working, oh, girl, how can u manage?!??
Our sweet Costa Rica girl, u are a real globe trotter, im envious....
Nikki, i loveeee uuu, i hope u will be in Istanbul in December, write me!
Serious Iva ;) I hope Ankara didnt kill ur enthusiasm but u r really cool, u can manage so much!
Greg, i have to say i was so happy u found a job in Poland, i was worried if u can manage at all to leave Istanbul, cause it was so deep into u, but as i can see, u r happy :)
Aakash, come on, come to visit me man and continue being our news men from The Dorms ;)
Ash, Christiano, send me pics from Portugal, im so proud of u that u managed to make the reunion
Basilio, ur posts r so funny....
Maarten, how is good old Maastricht doin??!?!?
Well, guys, i just wanted to say i didnt at all forget u. And i do hope that u have put my poster in the whatever room, cause otherwise ill get so angry ;)
Ciao cucciole, te voglio benne, stay cool and never forget the Spirit of 603
Cok öptüm
TSVETI (bulgarian, italian, german, turkish: or simply: cool ;))

24 September, 2005


After almost 4 months in 101 aka 603, as some of you know the time has come for us to move on. It seems that the dorm administration is hell bent on throwing us out, from the 6th floor to the 1st floor, now from the 1st floor to the room next to the security guards. There are 16 beds in that room, 8 will be for girls and 8 for guys, its perhaps going to be the worst quality of life (even worse than kasim pasha i think) but the positive side is that one enclosure has natural light and a glass roof, so we will always have natural light unlike the kasim pasa dorms. There was chaos at 2 am on a thursday night when we got to know this was going to happen. The useless administration informs us and says you have to move rooms in one day, ie is move to that god forsaken room on Friday, was interesting to observe the cultural differences in the way people reacted, here are some realtime examples:

The Tunisian made a banner saying 'We will stay here, We wont leave' or something to that effect
The American first charged the turks of being assholes, threaten to leave, and then acted as the representative of the trainees to talk to the administation to solve the dispute
The Brazilian was on 'Vacation'
The British was not bothered with what was going on because he is leaving in 3 days
The Romanians were spreading the news around about what was happening
The Two indians were gossiping about everyone else and having a good laugh and then slept, thinking we will think about this tomorrow!

Anyways, to sum up, there are challenging times ahead with 16 people in a room, but on the positive side, that is going to bring everyone together, bring back the spirit that has been recently lacking.

45 more days in Istanbul, the countdown has begun!

15 September, 2005

The benefit of being the venezuelan guy (and not the dutch guy)

I didn't became aware of this particular benefit of being venezuelan until I left the country, and now that I see this list and put everything into perspective it seems completly ridiculous.

I'm not proud of this at all, but if you come to visit me in Venezuela sometime, you know what to buy for present to your family (specially you Maarten).

This list pretty much explains itself

14 September, 2005

reunions and nostalgia

Wow, I haven´t checked this blog for a few weeks and I'm very impressed. Iva´s post especially rings so true. This past week I had two reunions of my own, one with Pat and his gf Martina and also with some friends I hadn´t seen for two years since we had our exchange in Mexico. When they left, I was left with a feeling of homesickness that I hadn´t felt since I´d gotten here. But the homesickness wasn´t just for "home" but it contained all the nostalgic feelings of you guys and Istanbul. And when Iva said it doesn´t happen often, that is so true. It´s true for me here in Costa Rica and I think the magic and also hard times of a city like Istanbul really pulls everyone together.

I feel optimistic though because already in the past few months I have seen some ppl I never would have thought I would meet again. Nuinuy came to San Jose a while ago, the Pat and Martina, and then my American friends. And the European reunion is soooooooo cool, lovin those pics, thanks Ash.

That´s a super cool pic Bas, and kudos to you and Cristiano for always keeping it spunky and entertaining, will try to take or find a pic that matches your talent.

I can´t believe I only have 3 months left in Costa Rica, this is really passing so quickly. I guess sooner or later I´d have to find a stable job in Canada and grow some roots, for a while.

I´m happy to see yall tanned and smiling:)

10 September, 2005

Write about it

I was going to title this post 'What about the 603 reunion?' but I don't want to kill that phrase from overdose.

I really would like to hear more stories and see more photos from the reunion. I want to know what things were stolen and how did you keep the 603 spirit alive. It would be great if everybody involved writes something.

And now, to contribute myself and not just ask for other people to contribute, here you have a picture I took yesterday on my way to university. I will try from now on to carry my camera with me as much as I can to document a little of this city and to capture the 'magical realism' that is present on the small details of everyday life in Caracas. I would like to call this project the 'Trigger Happy Project', in honor of that great show Cristiano introduced me (and because the idea is to shoot a picture first and then ask yourself if it was worth it). I wanted to do this, and had done it sporadically, since a long time ago, but now I thought it would be interesting to share it with you in this blog, taking back a little of the original idea behind the 603 philosophy. I will appreciate very much if other people did the same and became part of the 'project'. It would be interesting to see a piece of everybody's life thru photography.

So, here it is, my first piece. I titled it: 'Moving comfort'

08 September, 2005

As the oldest trainee leaves

I wrote this post about a week ago, so its not really up to date but since there are much more interesting things coming up all the time (like the reunion - I so wish I could have been there), I think I should just finally publish it...

Yes bobs (I know, I have been spending too much time with Aakash, who will btw be a great new 'Padrino' to all now - I somehow never had the personality and knowlege for it), the time has come and I, the oldest trainee since Greg left (looks pretty scarry when it's written), am also leaving, not sure exactly when yet but the count down is in days now...

Everyone seems to be writing around here what they will take/have taken with them from this experience. So let me try to do the same... Although I realize that I haven't been spending all the time I could in and with 603, I think I still realize the value we all had to each other and this experience to each of us and I especially realize that such a thing doesn't happen too often or rather often enough. I became especially aware of this when there was a farewell for a few people leaving in the summer. The guy in charge of organization (Saad) did a really good job to make it a memorable farewell (not just partying and getting drunk but a nice dinner and a slide show on the roof before the partying and getting drunk started). However, I felt like there was something missing. There were too many faces, some of which I couldn't even connect to a name and although I believe that most of these trainees had a great experience and met amazing people, they didn't seem like they were a group all together, they didn't seem to be carrying away a piece of life that they will all always share. Although they all said that they had a great time here and they will never forget, it definitely didn't feel the same as when one of the 'winter' trainees was leaving. (Anyway I might have gotten it all wrong and maybe I just simply concentrated too much on my own Istanbul life at the time). My point is that, to me, what the winter/spring 2005 trainees shared was really special and happens only rarely and I am happy I was able to be at least to some extent a part of it...

And what will I do next? First I will go for a vacation. Not planning to travel too far just will enjoy at least a bit more of the summer in Antalya/Olympos region. Then, in mid-Sept. I will move into another Turkish dorm, this time in Bilkent University, Ankara, and start a masters program.
Yeah, I know, I am writitng this long entry about leaving Istanbul while I'll be living only a few hours away, which doesn't really sound like a big deal. I do feel like I am leaving thou or rather I feel like the spirit of 603 is once and for all leaving Istanbul (although Aakash and Fred are still carrying on the tradition bravely) as the last few people go...

To make my post up to date, I am in Ankara since yesterday (living under rules even worse then in Bilgi that we didnt even have to keep) and not going for a vacation because Turkish institutions are completly disorganized... Although things haven't started the best way, I am still really excited to begin my classes on Monday and do something new and different

Missing all of you, Istanbul and my lost freedom

Three things I did not know about Istanbul till yesterday!

  1. Istiklal means 'Victory' Street'
  2. The Galata Bridge can split wide open to allow a huge ship/cruise boat to pass through!
  3. You can meet Fred at 2.00am by Karakoy water, facing Eminonu with a Turkish girl that you met for just 3 hours !

06 September, 2005

By request

So you wanted a close-up of my new self, here you have not only a closeup, but also a bonus description of the "new" items:

1. Black t-shirt: as some of you may know, I gave all my black t-shirts to my brother a few years ago. That's why I didn't have any black t-shirts in Istanbul. I bought this one here for $5, with a couple of other, and that's all my new clothing for now. Nothing exciting.

2. Bracelet or whatever it's called: this was a birthday present my friend Katia gave me (Katia is the one I visited in Germany and is here now for holidays). I have tried several times to use accessories in the past but for some reason I can't keep them on. I often even carry my wristwatch in my pocket because I can't stand having it in my wrist for long. Anyway, this time I'm trying to keep this one because it has an added sentimental value.

3. Sideburns and goatee: as with the accessories, several times in my life I have tried to grow a beard only to find complete failure. I don't have exactly too much facial hair, but this is the furthest I have come. I don't think it will last long though, it's just to know that I at least tried.

4. Glassy eyes: spicy food makes me cry of happiness.

I admit that I wanted a new look, but I'm still in the search. By the way Aakash, what happened to the clothes and stuff I donated to the 603? Has anybody find a use for them? Like for drying washed dishes or something?

Ok, I'm dedicating too much time to this blog now. I have to go back to worry about my thesis.

603 Partial Reunion

Hello Bobsters,

So we is be in Porto at the Captain´s at the moment and are planning to hit up a nice cafe/bar at the moment. So a quick photo update. Nikki and I arrived at Lisbon on the 2nd and then went to Natercia´s lovely house that day. We had a crazy night at the beach later on with Natercia´s friends, and of course the Captain joined us for the fun. More detailed updates on that soon. We ended up waking up around 7PM the next day!! On the 4th we all went to Porto and spent the afternoon and evening by the Ribeira (river) and did some serious sight seeing. Natercia went back later in the evening and today we also did plenty of cool touristy stuff around the city. Here are some interesting photos.

By the river in Porto.

Again by the River where they used to bring Port wine with boats into the city.

At Aveiro playing "till the end" with Natercia´s friends.

Chilling at a Buddhist Cafe called Rota Do Cha today.

Some of Natercia´s friends and a Cambodian (me), a Pakistani (Cris) and an Italian (Nikki), atleast thats what her friends were told we were.

We have tried our best to keep the Southern Spirit alive in our own ways and more on that soon. Wish you guys were here.

05 September, 2005

Tandoori Chicken for the Venezuelan Soul

Today I went to the 'goodbye lunch' for Angela, an american girl I met a couple of months ago. She left today to Colombia. She is traveling around South America for one year and got stuck in Caracas, her first stop, for something like 5 months. I met her through nomadlife in my attempt to meet foreigners living in Caracas and share experiences. Maybe I will elaborate more in the next days on the subject of sympathizing with expats and seeing and understanding things different now. Maybe.

Anyway, it turns that the goodbye lunch was at an indian food restaurant. Maybe the only one in Caracas. I was really excited about that but then I remembered when we went to that indian-pakistani restaurant in Istiklal and we got very disappointed when we saw the amount of food we got, specially for the amount of money we had to pay. Well, this place was the same, only that fancier. The rations were incredibly small and pretty. It looked more like french cuisine than indian food. I was really disappointed... I wanted to eat with my hands, taste everybody's food and have so much food in my plate that I had to ask the rest of the food to take home. At least that's what's indian food for me. It's a fun, colorful and spicy experience. That's what I took from our countless hinnnndi dinners in the dorm.

Despite of that, I enjoyed the (little) food I had. I ordered tandoori chicken and a kind of dal. I don't remember which kind now, but it was not exactly the one we always had. It was green lentil and not even close as tasty as our dal. I guess there is nothing like eating homemade indian food made with love.

Well, food and cooking has become a big part of my life since I started the 'cooking team' with Aakash like 9 months ago, so you will have to excuse my food-centric post. At least has some pictures in it.

04 September, 2005

'Its official'

Well its exactly 5.19 am, just a while back i have walked back down the hill (not jumping on cars this time) from 45 ! Annnnneeeeeettttttaaaaa has just had her farewell tonite and Iva has had hers yesterday :) So basically 'its official', Me, Myself that is Aakash is the next Padrino. (I guess my potential for being Gregs successor was first pointed out by Marteen back in April 2004 and I was quite shocked at his prediction)

Anyways, Ash, Cris, Natercia and Nikki are having a blast in Captain's city. I get this message from the Captain 'stupid Aakash we are totally drunk, me, ash, Nikky, Natercia me is cris We are drinking absent is Fucking strong you pussy Peace?'

I call them up through the skype out account at 3.25 am, not caring that the my roomies/hommies were asleep, talk to all 4 of them, felt good :) Ofcourse wished that I could be there as well, but i couldnt make up mind who was missing who more, the 4 of them for not having the rest of us around or the rest of us not being around!

Anyways, these days I get this question a lot, how is it for being here for sooooooo long, which period was the one you cant forget and which are the people you cant forget. The typical diplomatic reply is to say ' You have to live every experience as a different one and not compare it to anyother' But the fact of the matter is that I cant help but compare, however much I try, while coming down Istiklal, I still remember our walks back from drunk nights, whenever I am in 203, I still visualize us watching the movies together, and whenever we are with freddy, I remember the time when the term 'fred' was coined.

The fact of the matter is that our bond and time was definetly special, I dont think anything can really replace the spirit, and yes good things do come to an end, I am glad we had this time together, and I am glad it ended 'physically' it left behind a spirit that I carry, and the same spirit today is being carried by someone in Portugal, USA, Czech Republic, Turkey, Netherlands, Poland, Venezuela, Canada, Costa Rica etc. etc. Today as well as in the coming years, when I meet anyone from any of these countries my face lights up, it reminds me of the times and it always will and I know if one fine day my grandchild comes up to me and tells me, Gradpa I am off to (Portugal, USA, Czech Republic, Turkey, Netherlands, Poland, Venezuela, Canada, Costa rica etc. etc) on an exchange program, I will probably accompany them to spend and relive the good times or will just shoot him contact info of some of you, so that when he/she is feeling homesick he could just hop over at your place for a quick 'home made' meal ! (Probably one out of the 3 things you will feed, he/she would have eaten cooked by Granpa himself!

Its 5.52 now, and I have blabbered enough!

03 September, 2005

Break the loop!

Finally I have come with an update

I was waiting to get some of the pictures from last sunday to put here with this post but that will have to wait (and if I had waited to get the pictures before posting I might never write anything, alas this pictureless non-exciting-looking update). The reason why I don't have the pictures with me is kind of complicated but I can tell you this time is not my fault. I hope to get them next week though..... Anyway, enough of explanations

I don't need to write much to tell you that I'm still writing my paper for University and not doing much else, but as Aakash wisely told me, I don't have to have an incredibly exciting 'the-bulgarians-don't-want-me-in-their-country' kind of story to make an update. I know it deep inside but my excuse is always that I don't have time because I'm busy writing my thesis, which is not exactly true. What it is true is that I'm putting almost everything in my life on hold till I'm finish with that. Actually, I spent like 1% of the time actually writing and the 99% left worrying that I should be writing. I know that statement will shock some people that think that I never worry about anything, but that's how it is. I remember when Cristiano did the same in Istanbul and I told him not to worry because there is no use, well, I'm actually also like that. That's my big secret for today.

Now that I have managed not to give a reasonable excuse as why I'm not writing more often, I want to say that I appreciate the effort that the people who has written something in this blog has put, specially Aakash who is the main reason why this is still alive and kicking. There is a lot of activity (ok, not A LOT but close) lately and I'm happy to see that. I check this blog regularly and I have to say that I'm excited any time there is a new entry (as you can see, there are not many sources of excitement in my life lately..... well, and its also good to read anything that comes from you people). And now that I'm on the subject, I would like to tell people like me, that are postponing to write for some reason, till the next reason comes, and then the next, and thus creating a perpetual loop; Ill tell you to break the loop now and don't wait for those pictures to come to write your post. I know that sometimes is not easy to break the loop but I hope my openhearted confession inspires some non-writer to write. The same way Alcoholics Anonymous helps alcoholics.... Stop procastinating and write!

Well, this post was initially meant to be about my birthday party but it took a completely different direction. Maybe is better this way so I will have something to write when I post the pictures (which I hope are a little bit interesting... or at least focused).

Thanks to everybody that sent their happy birthdays to me.

Hope to break the loop again soon

30 August, 2005

Happy Birthday Bas!

Bas turned 25 on the 28th August. Here's wishing you a great year ahead !


Missing 'The Vault'

Yo Bobsters around the world :)
Just to get some excitment going on this piece, here is the infamous vault which a certain someone was very very possesive about. Brings back magical memories of natercia and I stealing choclate cookies from it without cris knowing it and then throwing away the packet before cris came (yes cris its about time you came to know about it) What a feeling of elation and excitement it was stealing from the thief himself. We shall ofcourse be very thankful the olive oil you donated to 603 before you left. Others...what are your memories attached to 'The Vault' drop in a line to share it with us :)

27 August, 2005

Sindy is South

Okay, so yesterday we were having a send off Nargile chat up with none other than 'Sinnnnnndddddyyyyyyy', so I ask, what is it that you are taking back from Turkey? Sindy confirms if I am talking about a value or a material thing. Very happily I answer 'both' One thing she said she is taking back is the 'South Attitude' I no longer plan and write things in my diary. Even today I packed in the last 3 hours before I had to leave. Now that is some change, to add to that she said she doesnt know what she is doing next when she goes back. She also added that being south is much nicer and fun !!

Three cheers for the realization sindy :) ! Keep spreading the fire !

Some pictures coming soon, Marteen, I know I owe you an update, soon guys soon !

19 August, 2005

Skype Reunion 603

Okay Bobs of the world,

The time of Reckoning is here....

I am sure all of you want to connect back with the memories and relive the good times that you spent here. Well if you are still thinking about or dreaming about life in Istanbul, the walk down istiklal on a drunk friday night or the transvestite spray in your eye (unless you are as drunk as cristiano that you dont realize you got sprayed till you get up next day morning) or even the bas pasta or the 603 tune, we are going to relive some of those times.

When : Sunday 21st August
Medium: Skype Conference call
TIme : 1900 Istanbul time

My Skype ID is : aakashs (Add me or send me your id for the call, if you dont have skype go to www.skype.com and follow the instructions to setup an account)

Sorry guys to tell you guys this, but i have found one true friend, one friend that doesnt leave me no matter what, he is that fellow, yes you got it right, our beloved freddie. In the spirit of the 603 Reunion he cannot be left alone, so i will get him to the reunion as well.

Be there Bro Bogado...oopss Venezuelan Drug lord, Crazy Cris, Dutch, Naterica, Ash and all others who have anything to do with teh 603 spirit.

South Rules !

09 August, 2005


Yes, it's me... The annoying Portuguese girl!!! I am back!!!
I haven't given any news for some time so I decided to write some words in the best blog ever seen on the cyberspace!!! And for those who have been complaining about the way I forgot to send e-mails... You are right and I promise to write as soon as possible!!!

I am still leaving in my hometown, doing summer internship in a town near by... I am really busy because the company actually needs me, which sounds really cool but sometimes I would like to complain like most of you guys used to about your "Nothing to do" days... It is harder than what I thought: looking at all my friends getting drunk and going to the beach everyday while I am at work...And plus I don't have msn so no way to communicate with people during the day!!! Now I understand how hard it was for you guys!!!
What else... I am really happy to know that me and Cris we will meet Ash, and I will may be meet Nikki in Spain before she goes back to the US and may be I will see Aakash soon too!!! Oh and Maartin also cause I hope he hasn't forgoten that we also wait for him in Spetember!!!! It is going to be really great!!!

Now the typical analysis is coming: "How is it going after Istanbul?" Well, as Maartin used to tell me, "you are too sentimental". He was right!!! I still miss you guys "A LOTTE" (with sveti's italian accent). It has been a bit hard to turn the page and to re-adapt to everything... May be because anything changed while I was gone...But me! It makes me remember that movie we watched about this Erasmus student, I don't know the name...Spanish something... I guess you all understand what I am talking about... Well, I remember mostly the end when the guy says that that adventure changed his life and that from that moment on he would never only be HIM again... It is exactly what I feel... From now on I am a little bit of each of you.. That I sometimes stole and that sometimes you gave me!!!

OH GOD!!!! I think I am going to throw up!!! But still...


03 August, 2005

meeting with a certain frenchman

hey guys, hope everyone is doing well, and is checking back in here every now and then. good to know that the 603 spirit is unbroken (especially with the Galata bridge bombings - I saw a picture on BBC of the spot, its a place we passed by several times... creepy!).

Dutch guy and everyone else on the list, I got the Scheghen visa, and I'll be arriving in Lisbon on the 2nd of September, and be leaving from there again on the 22nd of September. The rest of my plans is completely open ended. I'd love to meet up with as many 603/Istanbulers as possible and hopefully check out their respective countries. I'd really like to visit Madrid, Barcelona, Paris and Amsterdam apart from spots around Portugal me and the Captain will be ripping apart!

But I wanted to let you guys know I met up with Manu this weekend. I was in DC to visit my brother to go and see an AC Milan game in New Jersey (against Chelsea). So we planned to meet and we did. He's working at the French Embassy with the Public Relations section, and is enjoying it so far. He went to New York last week and had a blast with Pat and all. Here's a photo. (The lady taking the photo though we were gay... even after we sort of explained I think she still thought we were gay!!) Any how more later.

- Ash

28 July, 2005

Terror on Galata Bridge

Even though I wasn't here (got back from the CR last nite) when it happened I thınk I'm the only one able to answer your question - since Nikki is busy being a full-time girlfriend and on top of that a great CEEDer and Aakash is enjoying his fam and probably lots of great food back in India...

But to get back to answering your question: I only heard sth about a bomb and the bridge last night - I actually don't even recall much of that short story as it was my first night here after two weeks of Efes withdrawal, so I had to make it up - but again back to the answer: it sounds scary, but I crossed the Bridge on my way from the airport and haven't noticed any difference. So, no worries there is still Galata Bridge, room 603 as well as room 101, we are all OK and most importantly there is still ÇORBA!!

14 July, 2005

Rising to the Call-an update from the Canadian girl in Costa Rica

Wow, after reading those amazing posts, I feel so nostalgic. First of all I'd like to say, all of you guys rock and it's because of that, that I can bust a smile and say "it was awesome" when people ask me "so how was Istanbul?" To the new trainees, live it up man and screw work.

I'm happy to hear yall have upcoming travel plans. I myself, could not wait to get out of the boring city of Ottawa right away, and so I did two months later and here I am in San Jose, Costa Rica. It's not with AIESEC this time, but with the Canadian government and this time around things are different. Well, it's only been two weeks, but I love my job (web design for a Children's Rights NGO) and I love what the organization does. I don't feel that settled in yet cause I have yet to make a good group of close friends and yet to party it up!!

But the great thing is that I've contacted the AIESEC here and am going to an Aiesec party tonight to meet the trainees and Aiesecers. How cool is that! And the best part is that a former Istanbul trainee gave me the contact name. So it makes me feel much better to know that a group of really cool travelling, partying people will always be an email away whenever it's time to make new friends.

I signed off the Istanbul list sooner than I thought I would have (I´m nostalgic enough), but no matter since this is the real spirit of Istanbul trainees. 603 lives on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10 July, 2005

missing the 603

basilio i know how you feel man... i would have liked to spend a lot more time in Istanbul especially with the people i met, it was a great time, and certainly a life within a life. i finally saw "The Motorcycle Diaries" and that really had me thinking about travelling again and taking time to do it. this business class i'm taking we were learning about the value of money across different times, and the professor who's like 60+ was explaining how travelling when your well established late in your life is nothing compared to travelling as a youth. if all goes well i'll be in portugal and parts of western europe in september. it'll only be a month, but thats all i can spare for now. friends of mine have planned on going to the carribean during the 2007 cricket world cup (its right after we graduate in the summer), but thats a long way off. but i hope to go to latin america either through auniversity program or when i get a long break... i'll be going back home this winter after nearly a year and a half, its a little weird how friends you went to school with for years feel like strangers initially when you go back... with the aiesec traineeship, i didn't realise it until a trainee who came back from costa rica talked about how a lot of his friends don't seem to want to hear about histraineeship/trip, and that is true. its also hard to describe my visit to istanbul, i can probably say a few adjectives like amazing, fun, exciting but that doesn't mean much. its hard to describe it to others, you guys know what i mean... hey you know what would really get this site buzzing? adding Megan to the blog. any how i hope all the others start blogging here soon.

07 July, 2005

So what about the venezuelan guy?

I've been checking the blogs and websites of some of the people I met in Istanbul, for the last couple of hours, and I'm getting very nostalgic now. I had such an amazing time in Istanbul. I consider myself very lucky to have had the opportunity to live in such an inspiring and beautiful city as Istanbul, and to have known, lived and experienced so many things with the people I met there. But you know that so I wont repeat myself.

I also realized, once again, the importance of recording so many wonderful experiences and thoughts, and this blog is just a perfect way to do that (and more). That's why I answer the call that Aakash made and I'm officialy starting to write here now. It's ironic (but mostly just plain stupid) that, in the same blog I helped to create, I didnt write anything until now, that I'm not there anymore. But that doesnt matter. The places can change but the spirit goes on. The 603 spirit. It can be a different room or a different country, it doesnt matter. This blog is a great way to keep us together and keep the spirit alive so I hope everybody answers to the call.

There are not too many news from this side of the world. I'm trying to focus on writing my paper for university, which I have to give at early september. If everything goes as planned (or not planned), I should be graduating in november. After that, I still exactly dont know what will happen but I'm sure that I will do my best to continue travelling. Where? I dont know, but I'm very focus about that. My time in Istanbul made me realize so many things, but the most important is that it gave me new hopes and things to look forward. It openned so many options in a period of my life when I finally have the time to follow them. I'm very excited about that.

I met a friend from university last week who has inspired me even more. He did a traineeship in France and travel around Europe and even Turkey last year. He also did a backpacker/hitchicker trip around Canada for a couple of months. I was very surprise to hear that he did all these in the time I didnt see him (2 years), but the best part is that he graduated 2 weeks ago and is going back to Europe in about 3 weeks. He plans to go from Eastern Europe to India, by bus and train, and pay for his travel working from place to place. I would like to make a campaign to help him in his journey, so anyone that knows of somebody where he could stay please tell me. I will publish his route another day. There are not too many venezuelans who would even think of doing something like this but I can identify perfectly with him and his reasons. I want to do something similar so his trip is almost like a forecast of mine. That's also why I want to help him as much as I can.

I have the feeling this is just the beginning and, as I said, the spirit goes on. The world is much more reachable now and distances got shorter. I dont know if I'm too optimistic now but I like the feeling.

Long live 603!

05 July, 2005

So whats up with 603?

So I have been bombarded about everything and anything on whats happening with 603! I thought ill just punch in a small update for the same.

The most important update, we are no longer in 603, we have shifted to 101, but the spirit of 603 is very much in the room, we have also stuck a paper saying 603 in our room. that will always be with us, the 603 spirit. All the old decorations are also in the room and some new additions, a big no left turn traffic signal that Saad stole from bodrum (hurrah for saad)

Two new additions to the boys room, Aditya from Stanford, he is also a friend of Ash, and more importantly he is Hinnddiii, so now 603 has 3 hindi speaking bitches, hearing hindi music, hindi abuses (chootiya and chodus) is getting a lot more common now. We have pete from UK who is originally portugese and is the new guitarist in the room, he was playing some cool numbers in the room and then teaching some cool moves, when the dorm manager entered, and believe it or not he joined in the fun. He ofcourse put in a bit annoucement, 'Attention, no drinking in the room, any one found doing so will be expelled and his ass will be kicked' that apparantely is his dream.

There are 30 odd trainees in Istanbul right now with 20 of them in the dorms, ofcourse life is different than what it was, but is a new begining ! Lots to look forward to !

Will add some pictures soon, for the latest pics from bodrum and other pictures check my online album on my blog.

You guys write back on what you are upto, NOW!!

Here's to everyone or anyone who has had anything to do with 603, we have all started a revolution, lets see where it goes !

02 June, 2005

Some more...

Here you have more sentences...

"Think about it!!!" (Maarten sentence when nobody understands his jokes!!!!)

"Fucuuuuuck you!!!" (Greg showing his finger!)

"What's up Baaaaanngli?!" (answer for "what's up Hiiiiinnndii?!")

"It's amazing....I couldn't believe it!!!" (Geza)

"Cordon Bleu!" (A disgusting conversation between the boys... isn't it Maarten?!!!)

"Don't... Don't touch me!!!" (Cristiano)

"Allah, Allah!!!" (Maarten's favorite sentence!!!)

"Tasty!!!" or "Salty" (Cristiano... no comments)

"How can you maaaaanage?" (tsveti and her italian accent)

" You will die ALONE!" (Cristiano)

"It' s so BIIIIG!!!" (me but it was only about a venexuelian lolipop!!! :) )

"How coooooool you arrrrrre!" (still with the bulgarian girl's italian accent!!???)

"We are irish... we are thousands!!!"

"I am just tired!" (Traditional sentence used by Basilio and "remixed" by Cris to justify some animal behaviors!!!)

"So...and what about the ...? (the question is from Maarten)
Yes, what about it?" (Basilio's answer used and reused several times.....)

AND now my favorite:
"BE A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (From our favorite indian comedian!)

Soon we will have more, for sure!

01 June, 2005

Frequently Used Phrases

We were discussing during dinner today to put up some phrases that are 'Frequently Used'

So here go some classics:-

'NO, My Back Hurts!' (Indian Accent)

'That is so Gaaaaay! (With all the cristiano expression you can give, let your feeling out)

'Its official !'


'I fooounnnddd hiiiim!'

'Free your mind, free your spirit...!

Neeeeekkkkeeeeedddaaaarrr!! (Cris on the mike, if you dont know this, ask me for the video)

Eeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (Natercia entering the room)

That is disgusting !

Oh my gaaawwwwwwdddddd (Iva getting disgusted)

Whats up Hiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddiiiiii !! (Everyone)

'Maybe ! (BSR = Basillio's Standardized Reaction)

'We Can go ! (BSR)

Do you know any?...Keep them coming

31 May, 2005

So what about the new ..... girl???

awesome that the blog is getting on its way... everyone post something... i'm in the middle of finals week, will return from the forest in 1 week!!! what's everyone's summer plans? if this is not an acceptable post in the blog then Bobs please delete it! oh post a list of everyone's end of traineeship dates, just to keep track of when people are leaving 'The City'.

27 May, 2005

cristiano in his new Aavtar

Out of the many crazy things Cristiano does, this one's a classic. Here he is in his new Gang bang look :) I think the perfect farewell gift for him is going to be to present to him a cheap 15 lira white coat and a pair of gogs ;)!

Anyways, now that this blog has got going, can we have others contributing too ?

Bas can you give access to others like Nikki, Marteen, Natercia, Eva, Sarah, Cris and others !


Martina's farewell dinner

Martina's farewell dinner
Originally uploaded by aakashsethi.
It was return to Denis one more time, Eisogeli Corba, Tavuk sis on the house, Martina the crazy italian is moving out of the Dorms to Izmit. Well, here's wishing her good times. We no longer will hear Funkulo, and all the other stupid Italian abuses anymore!
Se Se Faliche tu lo sai Batile Mani!