17 January, 2007

News from Venezuela are not only about Chavez

As usual, it's been quite a while since last time I wrote here, but I'll try to change that. Lot of things have happened since:

- I met some very interesting people, mostly foreigners, like me
- I fasted during 3 days in Ramadan
- Chavez was reelected for the 3th time, but not with my vote
- I quited my job and I'm working freelance now
- I paid for a haircut for the first time since a long time
- An article I wrote about my days in Istanbul was published

As you should know, I'm also saving money to travel to Europe and Middle East this year. I'm happy to say that I'm almost there at the goal I setted myself. I still have to figure out the visa issue, but I'm closer. I'm up to traveling around the middle east before or after the Istanbul reunion, so we have to talk about it. Anyway, I have to write another post just for the trip planning

Here is the link to the article I wrote about my experience in Istanbul. It was published by a magazine in my university. If you don't understand anything is probably because you don't know how to read spanish. If you don't you can also look at the huge pictures they inserted in the middle of the article. I don't know what they were thinking

In other news... Maarten, you should be happy to know that there is new "malandro" fashion here in Caracas ("malandro" meaning something like a thug, street-wise, delinquent) which is to wear pink shirts. I think we all now why they can wear it.

So... What about you? What have you been up to? What about the reunion? I think june should be a good month


Cris! said...

Man! how i miss u bastard! im just watting to meet you here in europe!

monicasmedia said...

Hey Basilio,
Your paper is awesome, sounds very eloquent from what I can understand. Yaiiii the Venezuelan is on board for the reunion. It wouldn't be the same without you. I'm currently reading Orhan Pamuk's "Istanbul" and it gives such a great history of the different neighbourhoods and just random pieces of knowledge. I'm too saving my $$$!!

603 unites!

basilio said...

what I'm doing as a freelancer right now is basically the same I was doing last year but from my room and with better payment. I should have done this a long time ago...
it's all web development by the way