28 October, 2005



Well... the "annoying" portuguese (according to Aakash!) is back! YES! I finally found my password and plus I discovered how to upload images! Ahhhh! How "COOL" I am!

As you might have understood, the lack of password has been one of he reasons why I have been away from this blog... (Bobbies! Don't laught at me!)

In fact, I have been working hard the last months... and something tells me that it is just the beginning! I did an internship this summer and my boss asked me to stay and work with them for a while...
I accepted this opportubity cause I love the job I am doing and people are nice! So the question you might be asking is: "Which job are you doing?". Well "my" company is working with renewable energy and I am doing mostly the institutional communication but I take care of almost everything related to external communication. Here is a photo of my office!

Obviously I am still studying! I am waiting for my equivalencies from my Erasmus Programm at Biligi University... And if everything is ok I will finish my Bachelor in December/January and my License in July!!! Hope it will be my last year cause I am a little bit fed up with school!
But this year seems to be more interesting than all the others eventhought it is harder!

After my graduation... I don't want to think about any plan because I prefer listenning to my South Spirit... Anyway I know that planning is not the best once that after all it never comes out the way I want!

I think that's it for the update of my life! Now... What about the other Bobbies? Iva? Tsveti? Saad? El PadriƱo? Monica? Sara? I hope each one will make an update of their life sometime!

Hugs everyone!
Take care

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