03 September, 2005

Break the loop!

Finally I have come with an update

I was waiting to get some of the pictures from last sunday to put here with this post but that will have to wait (and if I had waited to get the pictures before posting I might never write anything, alas this pictureless non-exciting-looking update). The reason why I don't have the pictures with me is kind of complicated but I can tell you this time is not my fault. I hope to get them next week though..... Anyway, enough of explanations

I don't need to write much to tell you that I'm still writing my paper for University and not doing much else, but as Aakash wisely told me, I don't have to have an incredibly exciting 'the-bulgarians-don't-want-me-in-their-country' kind of story to make an update. I know it deep inside but my excuse is always that I don't have time because I'm busy writing my thesis, which is not exactly true. What it is true is that I'm putting almost everything in my life on hold till I'm finish with that. Actually, I spent like 1% of the time actually writing and the 99% left worrying that I should be writing. I know that statement will shock some people that think that I never worry about anything, but that's how it is. I remember when Cristiano did the same in Istanbul and I told him not to worry because there is no use, well, I'm actually also like that. That's my big secret for today.

Now that I have managed not to give a reasonable excuse as why I'm not writing more often, I want to say that I appreciate the effort that the people who has written something in this blog has put, specially Aakash who is the main reason why this is still alive and kicking. There is a lot of activity (ok, not A LOT but close) lately and I'm happy to see that. I check this blog regularly and I have to say that I'm excited any time there is a new entry (as you can see, there are not many sources of excitement in my life lately..... well, and its also good to read anything that comes from you people). And now that I'm on the subject, I would like to tell people like me, that are postponing to write for some reason, till the next reason comes, and then the next, and thus creating a perpetual loop; Ill tell you to break the loop now and don't wait for those pictures to come to write your post. I know that sometimes is not easy to break the loop but I hope my openhearted confession inspires some non-writer to write. The same way Alcoholics Anonymous helps alcoholics.... Stop procastinating and write!

Well, this post was initially meant to be about my birthday party but it took a completely different direction. Maybe is better this way so I will have something to write when I post the pictures (which I hope are a little bit interesting... or at least focused).

Thanks to everybody that sent their happy birthdays to me.

Hope to break the loop again soon

1 comment:

Aakash Sethi said...

Great one bas, typically BAS! Love it !